Friday, October 27, 2017

A Spell for Abundance

We’re coming up on the pagan New Year, and I don’t know about you, but I’m always good with having extra money. This week we have, so this week, here’s an abundance spell for you to add to your book of shadows if you wish. You can focus on money, love, creativity, or any area where you wish to have abundance

This spell comes in two parts. The original spell itself and the daily follow up that you can use to strengthen your spell if you choose. This spell doesn’t require a circle, just a sacred space.

You will need:

1 Green candle (Other color options are below if you prefer a different color or goal)
Bowl/cauldron/small plate
Silver Coin

If you want to sit for a minute to work on raising energy, by all means, do so. However, you will raise energy in other ways as well. You will raise energy when you carve your goal into the candle. If you are looking for a specific amount of money, carve that number. You may also carve abundance, money, wealth, or whatever term resonates best for you into the candle.
You will raise energy when you anoint the candle with the oil.  Both of these are simple ways that you can raise energy by blending your energy with that of the candle and boost the power of your spell.

Write your goal on your piece of paper. Anoint your coin and place it in your bowl/cauldron/plate.

Light your green candle and drip the wax onto your coin while saying:

Harvest is in and
Days grow short
Toil’s reward will
Money needs support

Repeat this three times while dripping wax on the coin. Cover both sides of the coin to bind your energy with the energy of the oil, the candle, and the coin.

Burn the paper, and close your spell with this:

Money freely flows to me
As my will, so mote it be

When the coin is covered and set. Place it in the spell bag, or any small bag you can carry with you.

To boost the strength of the spell, hold the coin in your hand at least once a day and repeat the closing of the spell:

Money freely flows to me
As my will, so mote it be

Candle colors:
Copper: Business success, passion, money, fertility, career growth
Gold: Luck, wealth, success, money, victory, enlightenment, career
Brown: Money, financial success
Green: Money, prosperity, abundance
Purple: Ambition

Money Drawing Oils: Bergamot, Strawberry, Grape, Heliotrope, Cinnamon

Friday, October 20, 2017

A Spell for the Waxing Moon

The feminine fluidity of the pull of the moon can lend extra power to your spells. Work with the waxing moon for spells of growth and for new beginnings.  Use the full moon for binding spells and any type of spell you want to make stronger, and use the waning moon for spells of letting go.

What do you want to begin in the New Year? As you know, I like to use this time of year to prepare for the New Year and the winter. With so much time spent indoors in the winter, I usually use the time to develop my skills of all kinds. I study, not only pagan subjects of course, but also jewelry making, art, and writing. When it’s time, I want to have everything in place to help me get the most out of this time. One way to do this is to use the moon phases leading up to Samhain for your preparation.

This spell is for new beginnings. I’ve used this spell on both the waxing moon before Halloween, and on the one after. To me, doing it beforehand helps me prepare for the letting go of the waning moon. It can be easier to put the past behind you when you have the future planned.

You will need:

    1 White candle
    1 Gold candle
    1 Green or purple candle (both of these attract success, but you will most likely want to use the color of candle that most closely aligns with your goals
    Essential oil based on your goals

Your choices of candles and oils will depend on your intentions. What you want to begin will determine which oils you will use. For example, peppermint aids healing and brings positive momentum in your life. Sandalwood heightens psychic abilities & spiritual levels. Tea Tree oil helps eliminate confusion and overcome challenges.

Once you have chosen your candles and oils, set up your altar. For this spell, I simply call the elements as a part of casting my circle, so I don’t set up all five altars, just the center one. Write your intentions on the paper. What do you want to do with the New Year?

Once you have anointed your candles, and have everything where you want it, sit, stand, or kneel in front of your altar, clear your mind and meditate about what you want to do in the New Year. Write your intention on the paper.

Light the white candle while saying

Mother moon I call you near
Guide my path through all fear
I begin the new and hold it dear
Aid my journey and bring me clear

Light the gold candle while saying

Father Sun draw near to me
Aid my goal and set me free
I challenge the old and begin anew
Trusting you to see me through

Light the green or purple candle, and burn the paper while saying

I take these goals and make them mine
As with this flame, my goals align
The goals I seek now fly to me
As my will, so mote it be

Meditate on your intentions and hold them as a pure intention as long as you can. Then ground and release the energy, and close your circle.

Friday, October 13, 2017

A Spell to Banish Negative Energies

Sometimes, we all need to get rid of negative energy. The world acts on us at times, whether we want it to or not. People can send negative vibes, even without meaning to, and some do so for various reasons. Other times we can’t help but deal with negative people, whether at work or at home, and every now and then, we even do it to ourselves by letting negative thoughts creep in.

Of course, regular smudging helps, but sometimes you just need that extra energy that a spell can give you. At this point, consider whether you want to eliminate a negative situation, or if you think someone intentionally, or unintentionally, want to hurt you.

You will need:

Sage, either oil or loose herb

Set up your circle and your altar. I’ve listed some stone, herb, oil, and candles that correspond to your task that you can use for decorating. Your altars to the elements, should you use them for this, should always be decorated to please the element to whom it is dedicated.

Set up your candles and bowl or cauldron on your primary altar. Anoint the candles with the oil, and/or put the sage in the cauldron. I’ve found that either of these will work if you only want to use one.  In the event you believe someone is purposefully sending you negative energy, carve the name of the person into the black candle.

In addition to the spell candles, I’ve included candles to represent the God and Goddess in this one, and an invocation to the gods. Naturally, you will adapt this to your own beliefs, so take what you need, and leave the rest.

Cast your circle and call the elements. Finally, face the candles you have set up for the deities.

Lord and Lady draw near to me
I ask your strength to set me free
Banish evil far from here
Alleviate all cause for fear

Light the candles for the Lord and Lady
Light your white candle while saying

Cleanse this space, and wash it clear
Take all malaise far from here
Protect us here in this place
Add your strength to this sacred space

If you are banishing a negative situation, you will light the black candle next, and the orange candle last. If you are banishing negativity from a person, you will light the orange candle next, and the black candle last. The verses are the same in either order. The last one draws on all the energy that you’ve created, so it has the greatest power.

When you light the orange candle say,

Clear the air, blow strong and free
Take this trial away from me
Ease this strain and send relief
Aid this work in strong belief

When you light the black candle say,

Drive all evil before your flame
Reverse this evil and perfect your aim
Send it back from whence it came
Repelled and bound I now proclaim

Clean and clear, wild and free
As my will, so mote it be

Oils & Herbs: Sage, Verbena